Make It or Break It Wiki
Make It or Break It Wiki

"If Only..." is the ninth episode in the second season of the ABC drama series Make It or Break It. It is the twenty-ninth episode overall, and aired August 24, in 2010.


Emily is bailed out of jail by Razor; Lauren's mother returns with hopes of reconciliation; Damon surprises Emily and together, they go on a date.


Emily calls Razor to bail her out of jail when she cannot get in contact with her mother. Payson's kiss with Sasha was captured on the training camera. Lauren finds it, and sends a picture of the kiss to Ellen Beals, because she is mad that Summer is seeing Sasha instead of being willing to get back together with Steve. Ellen takes that picture to the election at the Rock, and uses it to help Steve get elected as president of the Parents Board instead of Kim. Lauren's mom shows up in Boulder to restart a relationship with Lauren. Steve refuses to let her see Lauren, and she dies in a car accident. Damon returns to Boulder, having just got a record deal, surprising Emily. She gets overwhelmed, and they have a fight and Damon breaks up with Emily.



Guest Starring[]


  • Crawford James as Guard
  • Anzu Lawson as Officer Zukimoto



